DEMO -> Othertypeins
© Your Computer (1985)
Get Things Moving


Get Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO]  
elementGet Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
3 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
Get Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].dsk Get Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].dsk
[CRC:FE8D5AE9]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (2.8 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Chargement : RUN"PROG1.BAS" a RUN"PROG4.BAS"
Version de : Ross SIMPSON


Is a series of Routines designed to animate some graphical effects by rotating the ink palette.
I've stuck the original programs on this disk image, but I've modified the original programs which do the same thing, except I'm using Loops to return to BASIC once the Space Bar has been pressed and from there it resets the ink palette.
It just saves having to do a mode 2:ink 1,26 which is just annoying you have to do after you've exited via the "ESC" key.
You see what I mean if you run the original programs and then exit via the "ESC" key. :)

Get Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].dsk

Creator : WinAPE 2.0A18 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 15 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programming by Kukulcan © 2007-2025 all rights reserved.
Reproduction forbidden without any express authorization. All the game titles used belong to their respective owners.
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