UTILITY -> Floppy disc and tape tool
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CubeIOS (Programmed by SOS in 2017-2018) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ask me for support in the www.cpcwiki.eu-community) Tested: XMASS with some DOM's + CF-Cards (e.g. "HAMA 2GB") General ------- An IDE-Driver for all CPC-Models. The ROM must be placed below AMSDOS and (if used) M4DOS, PARADOS Not compatible with ACMEDOS at the same time. Partition --------- Two partition-Types allowed (FAT16 or FAT32): 1) Supperfloppy-Format (like ACMEDOS, WinXP-Format) 2) A primary-partition as the first available partition - "normal" partion-setup from Windows. (PartitionID's #06, #0b, #0c and #0e allowed) (So every first partition should be detected correctly.) FAT32 is recommended, should be faster than FAT16 in write-transactions (the save would be boring slow). FAT16-Save: You can speed up a little bit, when you first copy a large file (e.g. 200MB) after a format, then fill the media normal with your Windows-PC and after that, delete the large file. CubeIOS supports 28Bit-LBA, so you the maximum capacity is 268435455 Sectors (=approx 128GB). When you boot your CPC, the partition MUST be correctly detect like "CubeIOS 281217b - 7650MB # D:TEST" The correct size: 7650MB The correct label: TEST If it's FAT32 you will see: # (FAT16: No char displayed) ELSE something's goes wrong... Use with other MassOS-ROMs -------------------------- ACMEDOS:There can only be one ;-) You have to decide which MassOS do you want to use. M4DOS: You can install it, in a ROM-Number below M4DOS. When M4DOS is active, CubeIOS sleeps, after |M4ROMOFF: M4DOS sleeps, CubeIOS is active Format.bin ---------- Format your IDE-Media, so that it can be used (or format it with Windows). All data will be deleted during format. This can not be undone. Three presets of formats you can choose Format 1: Original ACEMDOS, with the Identifier "X-MASS" at #2B of LBA 0, 128MB Volume Format 2: First Primary Partition FAT16, 400MB partition Table (Type #06, 8192 Bytes/Cluster) Format 3: First Primary Partition FAT32, 450MB partition Table (Type #0B, 4096 Bytes/Cluster) (When you insert an unformatted Media in your CPC, during boot, CubeIOS shows you "unexpected format". So ignore it and run directly "format.bin" from your floppy.) RSX --- CD: Change Directory MD: Make New Directory MKDIR: Same as "MD" RD: Remove empty Directory REN: Rename File/Directory GETPATH: Get actual Path ERA: Delete File or Directory D: Select IDE UDIR: Internal RSX, needed for YANCC,... LONGNAME: Shows longnames DIR: Alternative Catalog DRIVE: Same as in AMSDOS FREE: Shows the free-space. (needful for FAT16-Format, where the freemem is not shown with the CAT-Command) |REN ---- e.g. |REN,"destinat.bas","source.bas" |CD --- e.g. |CD,"GALACT~3" goes to this directory |CD,".." goes one level lower |CD,"F/Feud" goes from the actual(!) directory into "F-Dir" and then into "Feud"-Dir |CD,"../F16" goes from the actual(!) Feud-directory into lower-dir and then into "F16"-Dir |CD,"/F/Feud" goes from the root(!) directory into "F-Dir" and then into "Feud"-Dir Wildcards allowed, e.g. |CD,"/F/Fe?d" goes from the root(!) directory into "F-Dir" and then into the first dir, which mathes "Fe?d" |CD,"/F/Fe*" goes from the root(!) directory into "F-Dir" and then into the first dir, which mathes "Fe*" Going to root: |CD,"\" or |CD,"/" |DRIVE ------ |DRIVE,"a" => Selects A-Drive |DRIVE,"b" => Selects B-Drive |DRIVE,"d" => Selects D-Drive CAT --- Short-Directory Listing. Pause the Directory-Listing with < SPACE > and stop with < ESC > Free-Memory only shown at FAT32, with FAT16, you can use the |FREE-RSX. |DIR ---- Long listing, with longnames (if exist, and only in Mode 1+2). Pause the Directory-Listing with < SPACE > and stop with < ESC > Wildcards allowed, e.g. |DIR,"GA?E*" shows GAMEOF~1 GAMEOV~1 GAMES~1 .SUM GATEST~1 |GETPATH -------- From ASM, you can use the getpath-function with the register: A=255 and DE=Buffferaddress for Path Then the RSX has no screen-output, the actual path is written to the memory-address, which DE points to. |LONGNAME --------- e.g. |LONGNAME,"GALACT~3" Galactic Invaders From ASM, you can call the longname-function with the register: - A=255 and DE=Buffferaddress for file/dirname and IX=normal RSX-Pointer - A=254 no output, see (#BE7D)+#163 backwards Then the RSX has no screen-output, the longname is written to the memory-address, which DE points to. |UDIR ----- This functions makes a "CAT" and, after one directory-entry is read from the SD-Card, call an ASM-Program from the user, until the last entry is read. With your own function you can build the CAS_CATALOG_BUFFER. It will be called with: - HL = Location of null terminated file/folder name string - B = File flag (1 = directory, 0 = file) The length of the file is witten to: Low-Word: &AD86 High-Word: &AD88 You can patch the addresses &bea3, &bea4,&bea5 with a jump to your own function (e.g. "JP &A000") When the memory address &bea3 is "0" the function does nothing. The M4-ROM initialized this address with "0" during hard-reset. This function is similar to the same function of ACME-DOS, with the main difference, that directory-names could have more than 11 Bytes length (max. 16 Bytes). WINAPE ------ It's compatible. I'm using the Windows-Program "Roadkil's DiskImage Version 1.6" to create images from USB-Sticks and CF-Cards for Winape. (Source is "Physical Disc", not a Driver-Letter-Volume) You can mount such Image (incl. ACMEDOS-Format) in Windows with e.g. OSFMount and change the content. ASCII-Files/Orgams and the #1A-problem -------------------------------------- When you examine a saved ASCII-File from a factory-CPC, then you will see an added #1A char at the end of the file. When you do the same, with an added file with Winape to an DSK-File, you will see the same effect. The #1A is the flag "End of file" reached. When you add an file to e.g. with Windows to an CF-Card, than you dont have the same effect - no #1A is added. So some programs has problems with that (e.g. Orgams) and other not (e.g. Maxam). Maybe, sometimes i will do a workaround (or not). Planned Features (maybe) / Known Issues --------------------------------------- - CAS_TEST_EOF: Maybe a bug present (see YANCC - F3-Display of ASCII-Files) - Move-Command - autoexec.bas - OPENOUT"w":MEMORY &1ff:CLOSEOUT => dont create the trashfile - Maybe: Standalone-Version without AMSDOS - |FREE on FAT16 partitions - The free-mem-value is slightly too high (e.g. after ACMEDOS-Format, you have a partition of 122MB, with 123MB free space) - Patched Lower-ROM to increase the compatibility. Credits ------- My thanks goes to: * norecess for Phactory, Executioner, Syx, TotO, Alan M. Sugar and his team * www.cpcwiki.eu & the community, HAL6128 for tool-support and Audronic & 00WReX & xesrjb for beta-testing * Prodaton for LBA-Functions Changelog of Versions --------------------- xxxxxx - Partition-Types #0C+#0E allowed - Booting-Screen-Optimizations 180318b - Release-Version 250218b - First RC-Version, Start of closed-beta-test 281217b - First Preview-Version, todo-List for the RC-Version: FAT32-Support, more testing

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