DEMO -> Sound
© Conspiracy (1992)
CRTC Music Disk 1


CRTC Music Disk 1 (UK) (1992) [DEMO]  
elementCRTC Music Disk 1 (UK) (1992) [DEMO].zip
22.52 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
CRTC Music Disk 1 (UK) (1992) [DEMO].dsk CRTC Music Disk 1 (UK) (1992) [DEMO].dsk
[CRC:0A81B227]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (22.31 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Chargement : RUN"DISC.BAS


1 ' 2 ' This is the ChaRleyTroniC music disc. It contains 15 music files, each of 3 ' which has a .E-M (music) file and a .E-S (envelopes) file. All tunes were 4 ' produced with Equinoxe (PoumTracker) and can be loaded into it. Thanks to 5 ' Poum for letting me have a copy (in English!) and to Longshot for sending 6 ' it to me. 7 ' 8 ' All tunes are first of all reserved for Logon System. They must NOT be 9 ' distributed in any form - even if in a demo - by Alan Skully, Skull SL, 10 ' CPC Domain or any of his other enterprises or associated enterprises. 11 ' 12 ' Apart from the main .E-M and .E-S files, this disc also contains: 13 ' 14 ' DISC .BAS - you're reading it! 15 ' MENU .BAS - front-end music loader 16 ' DRIVER .BIN - Equinoxe driver file 17 ' DRIVER2 .BIN - Equinoxe driver file, patched for use in demos 18 ' 19 ' ChaRleyTroniC of Conspiracy and STS, 22nd February 1992 20 ' 21 ' Write to me! ChaRleyTroniC, 2 Trent Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HF, U.K. 22 '

CRTC Music Disk 1 (UK) (1992) [DEMO].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk100620. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 350 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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