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Joysticks Kempston




Kempston Micro Electronics was an electronics company specialising in computer joysticks and related home computer peripherals during the 1980s. Kempston was based in Kempston, Bedfordshire, England.





Competition Pro







Competition Pro 5000


The Joy of Sticks

Supplier: Kempston Micro Electronics Ltd.
Singer Way, Woburn Road Industrial Estate, Kempston, Bedford

Price: £13-50

Cable length (ft): 5

No of fire buttons: 2

One of the best features of this joystick is its consideration for left hand users. There are two round arcade style buttons carefully positioned at the front of the base, one for right hand users and one for left hand users. We disliked the stiff feel of the rather short stalk although it was comfortable to hold having a round knob at the top of the stalk. The joystick has an average sized base that was easy to use in the hand and on the table.

We recieved a fairly good response overall but if used for long periods at a time the stiffness of the main stalk could be rather tiring.

Speed of response : 3
Durability: 4
Easy of use: 3
Value for Money: 3

Amstrad User April 1985


De dimension sensiblement égale au QS-1, ce joystick au manche assez court dispose d'une embase sans ventouse mais permettant une bonne tenue en main. Le manche ressemble à un levier de vitesses "compétition", surmonté d'une boule sur laquelle le pouce prend beaucoup de plaisir à glisser... A éviter pour des rounds de longue haleine car le tenue devient vite fatigante. La construction inspire confiance et se révèle solide. La grande originalité de ce joystick vient de son utilisation ambidextre. En effet, le constructeur a prévu deux boutons de mise à feu, l'un pour droitiers, l'autre pour gauchers. Env. 250F.


Amstrad Magazine n°5, Décembre 1985


Le PRO 5000

Pas vraiment le meilleur joystick, ce Pro 5000, mais d'une qualité quand même acceptable. Le design est certes excellent, mais cela ne suffit pas. Des ventouses auraient été les bienvenues, ainsi que des boutons de tir moins "mous". Equipé de micro-switches, il est toutefois d'une bonne précision et d'une robustesse honnête. Mais 180 F, ça fait un peu cher pour ce que c'est...


Constructeur :
Distributeur : Amie
Note pour Barbarian : 13/20
Note pour Trailblazer : 13/20
Prix : 180F
Rapport Qualité/Prix : 11/20


Amstrad Magazine n°26, Septembre 1987




Photos et images





Competition Pro Extra


Based on the Competition Pro 5000, this design saw micro-switches replace the leaf switches in every direction and the two fire buttons.

This joystick was always actually produced by a company called Dynamics Marketing, which later became a subsidiary of Powerplay Ltd, a subsidiary of Delph Manufacturing Services (Delph Tool Co Ltd), the company that manufactured the Competition Pro range through its lifetime, and the same company which manufactured, and later also marketed the Zipstick joystick along with Cruiser and Sureshot products too.









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Article créé le : Dimanche 24 Février 2013 à 12 h 20
Dernière mise à jour le : Dimanche 22 Septembre 2013 à 11 h 43

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