DEMO -> Other
© New Way Cracking (1990)
Not Dead
CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor



DEMO -> Other               
- MISC -
Music hacked out of Vixen (1988) by Jason C. BROOKE
Message de l'auteur :
Multiface-II protection. Re-Released 10/11-1990. At the time of release I had contact with BMC, Weee, Longshot etc. In the demo I write my "Amiga-story" in the scroll. I had an Amiga 500 in the period from spring/summer 1989 to January 1990. I also writes something in the scroll about CRTC types; HD6845sp and MC6845p.
The re-release was due to fixing a bug when running on MC6845p. At that time I had no longer contact to O.E.W, so I could not test on his CPC664, but during the summer of 1990 I got a number of different CRTC chips wired into my CPC, and a switch, so I could switch between CRTC types.

OTHER -> DiscMag Escape 1 © _Public_Domain_ (1991)

Database : "Demozoo"
Database : "Pouet"


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