DEMO -> Other
© Beng! (1993)
6am Eternal

CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor



DEMO -> Other               
- MISC -
Cette demo est sortie en août 1993 !

Groupe : Beng!

Intro Part
Gfx: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC using Force One Fonts Pack
Equalizer sprites by Tanguy BARRE alias Toug
Char set by Pawn
Sound: Crown of Beng

Prodatron megademo constellation
Code: Ghostwriter code by Pawn
Equalizer by Hydris.

Menu Part
Gfx: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC using PDT and Force One Fonts.
Char set Pawn
Sound: Zap't'Balls menu
BSC of Symbiosys
Code: Pawn ghostie
Equalizor Hydris.

Main Multi-scroll part
Gfx: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC using Font by ZZ-Top
Char set by Richard FAIRHURST alias ChaRleyTroniC alias CRTC, Roy EVERETT.
Smiley sprites handrawn by Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC.
Sound: TBGlider mix by unknown.
From Music Pack 5
Code: Equalizor by Hydris. Pawn Ghostwriter.
Sinus scroll by Stephane RUBINSTEIN alias Rubi of Logon. (ACPC)

Credits part
Gfx: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC using Force One fonts and PDT fonts.
Char set by Pawn.
Equalizor sprites handrawn by Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC
Sound: Thorsten MITSCHELE alias Kangaroo and unknown.
Code: Pawn ghosties.
Hydris Equalizor

Fuck the Lamers Part
GFX: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC and Pawn.
Font from Force One.
'Fuck' from 'CPC iz Dead' Slideshow.
Sound: Xyphoes Fantasy. Emmanuel LARY
Code: Cedric ANDREU alias Cedric VEYRE alias Duffy Alias Ac-Crack Alias PifLyon
Adapted by Pawn

French Part
Gfx: Pawn (ripped GFx from Back to the golden age.)
Char set by Pawn.
Sprites Pawn. (BTGA)
Sound: Thorsten MITSCHELE alias Kangaroo of HJT
Code: Pawn, Hydris

Loading screen
Gfx: Lissanly CLOYNE alias TIC using a Prodatron Font and Eye tansferred from Amiga by Andreas STROICZEK alias Face Hugger


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