GAME -> Reflexion
© Firebird (1987)
17.08 / 20.00
The Sentinel


LES PASSWORDS (liste non complète):

0001 = 92416816
0002 = 77651325
0003 = 39380666
0004 = 68888059
0005 = 66799483
0006 = 45600956
0007 = 88070956
0008 = 97558411
0009 = 78959942
0010 = 97567465
0011 = 34128668
0012 = 12837047
0013 = 82497760
0014 = 83619176
0015 = 78844565
0016 = 69076196

0018 = 34259849
0019 = 74546878
0020 = 78042177
0021 = 92261899
0022 = 41108601
0023 = 69780499
0024 = 84620577
0025 = 49636597

0028 = 85414694
0029 = 55711979
0030 = 41062296
0031 = 94185468
0032 = 57640765

0034 = 03549980
0035 = 46855644
0036 = 68261871
0037 = 34454988

0040 = 19390739

0043 = 74666797

0047 = 49877068

0064 = 16297268

0080 = 48730556

0086 = 92848084

0090 = 05480507

0100 = 57228885

0103 = 88780704

0110 = 88172772

0125 = 64887929

0149 = 14935556
0150 = 89060253

0179 = 21117451

0202 = 83953975

0232 = 95687509
0233 = 55575895

0258 = 66754052

0284 = 89456931

0290 = 44457846

0305 = 61639487

0312 = 89815498

0344 = 62879928

0370 = 17459987

0401 = 39702949

0432 = 44630967

0467 = 10929100

0500 = 50385509

0520 = 29462657

0570 = 64869348

0700 = 51369747

0740 = 72678868

0793 = 90529942

0880 = 97879773

0960 = 60490453

1130 = 69054842

1160 = 44999748

1390 = 60857694

1393 = 33555429

1422 = 61261654

1449 = 88749949

1469 = 50363387

1497 = 17694494

1567 = 31928580

1586 = 50072578

1611 = 74448418

1641 = 35199137

1690 = 96725444

1838 = 82258977

1866 = 41416474

1903 = 44603726

1920 = 69172992

1927 = 14792448

1952 = 06490870

1960 = 85898494

1977 = 18594697

1995 = 87817578

2005 = 85675514

2033 = 98766569

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