Taylor, the hero of the game, only intended to use a space ride from Earth to Jupiter. As he was bringing his luggage to the passenger chamber, there occurs a malfunction, the space craft lifts off without any tripulation and strands right behind Mars. Unfortunately the autopilot does not work for now. The task now is, under time pressure, to find out why and then fix this problem.
The space ship consists of a few dozens of rooms in multiple levels. Taylor moves by simple commands FR (frontwards), RE (rearwards), ST (starboard), PO (portside), UP and DO (down) or the compass directions N S W E U D (north equals front, west equals portside e.g.).
User commands are simple imperatives like: READ BOOK. Usually the first four letters suffice (except for directions, where one needs exactly one or two; and the inventory command 'I'). Prepositions usually are not needed, only in a few cases ( PUT SPACESUIT ON ) they bear a meaning. Joint nouns like "production machinery nutrition" might be referred to as PROD, MACH or NUTR, but not for every such word combination.
A recommendation is to use the HELP command in a room, and LOOK at every object already depicted.
There might be more to see. Sometimes the HELP response changes temporarily when certain events have occurred.
There are objects not needed for the solution path, and rooms, one has to visit more than once. And it is possible that Taylor dies or falls unconscious for a while.
The following verbs are understood :
TAKE / GRAB (some clothes items are then automatically put on)
RELEase (put an item onto the floor)
PUT ON / PUT DOWN (only for clothes. PUT DOWN means TAKE OFF, but this way I could use the structure of the German program version where the verb is the same (ZIEHE AN, ZIEHE AUS) and did not have to modify the code - and test it again).
SAVE - store the current game status
LOAD - read a stored game status to continue playing