GAME -> Adventure
© Amstrad Adventure PD Library (1986)
Labyrinth Hall

CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor



GAME -> Adventure               
1 player
* Message caché
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- BUGS -
Bug fixes by Alex DIJKSTRA

High priority condition 1: IF (RES? (6)) SET (6) STRE (150) (5 CSET 1) MESS (MESSAGE 174:"You are faced with the terrible peril of negotiating Labyrinth Hall. Can you find your way out, defeating the Mazes, Traps and Puzzles? Press a key if you feel lucky!!! ") HOLD (30000) GOTO (ROOM 200:" W E L C O M E T O L A B Y R I N T H H A L L ") GOTO (ROOM 22:"You are lost in one of the Multi Coloured rooms in Labyrinth Hall.Passages lie in all directions. A solitary tapestry hangs on the eastern wall above a lift shaft, opposite a standlamp.") END
High priority condition 1: IF (RES? (6)) SET (6) STRE (201) (5 CSET 1) MESS (MESSAGE 174:"You are faced with the terrible peril of negotiating Labyrinth Hall. Can you find your way out, defeating the Mazes, Traps and Puzzles? Press a key if you feel lucky!!! ") HOLD (30000) GOTO (ROOM 200:" W E L C O M E T O L A B Y R I N T H H A L L ") GOTO (ROOM 22:"You are lost in one of the Multi Coloured rooms in Labyrinth Hall.Passages lie in all directions. A solitary tapestry hangs on the eastern wall above a lift shaft, opposite a standlamp.") END
STRE(150) was too low. you need at least STRE(201) to solve the game.

Room condition 13 for room 15: IF ((((VERB (VERB 40:"SEE") AND ADVE (ADVERB 7:"TO")) AND NOUN (NOUN 35:"GARDEN")) AND SET? (40)) ) MESS (MESSAGE 53:"Your head spins, as you soar up....") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 54:"past clouds and land safely on your feet.") HOLD (40) GOTO (ROOM 14:" You are in the pretty western garden of Labyrinth Mansion, west lies a building with the door ajar. Garden Paths lead off in all directions.") ((CTR (0) + 20) CSET 0) END
Room condition 13 for room 15: IF ((((VERB (VERB 16:"SAY") AND ADVE (ADVERB 7:"TO")) AND NOUN (NOUN 35:"GARDEN")) AND SET? (40)) ) MESS (MESSAGE 53:"Your head spins, as you soar up....") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 54:"past clouds and land safely on your feet.") HOLD (40) GOTO (ROOM 14:" You are in the pretty western garden of Labyrinth Mansion, west lies a building with the door ajar. Garden Paths lead off in all directions.") ((CTR (0) + 20) CSET 0) END
This was just a typo.

Room condition 18 for room 18: IF ((VERB (VERB 7:"EXAMINE") AND NOUN (NOUN 35:"GARDEN")) ) MESS (MESSAGE 60:"The suit protects you from the radiation.") END
Room condition 18 for room 18: IF ((VERB (VERB 7:"EXAMINE") AND NOUN (NOUN 35:"GARDEN")) ) MESS (MESSAGE 15:"Nothing special.") END
Message was wrong

Room condition 24 for room 2: IF (((((((NO2 = 33) AND VERB (VERB 14:"THROW")) AND ADVE (ADVERB 9:"THROUGH")) AND NOUN (NOUN 2:"ICON")) AND CARR (OBJECT 2:"an Icon")) AND RES? (80)) ) DROP (OBJECT 2:"an Icon") (2 TO 0) MESS (MESSAGE 27:"There is a blinding flash as the Icon penatrates the force field.") SET (80) ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) END

Room condition 25 for room 2: IF ((VERB (VERB 2:"N") AND NOT (SET? (80))) ) MESS (MESSAGE 251:"The way is barred by a force field.") END

Room condition 26 for room 2: IF ((VERB (VERB 2:"N") AND SET? (80)) ) GOTO (ROOM 1:"This room is occupied by a maniac robot, south east lies a locked cell. There are lift shafts to the west and south, while north and east are open doors.") ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) RESE (80) END
Room condition 24 for room 2: IF (((((((NO2 = 33) AND VERB (VERB 14:"THROW")) AND ADVE (ADVERB 9:"THROUGH")) AND NOUN (NOUN 2:"ICON")) AND CARR (OBJECT 2:"an Icon")) AND RES? (81)) ) DROP (OBJECT 2:"an Icon") (2 TO 0) MESS (MESSAGE 27:"There is a blinding flash as the Icon penatrates the force field.") SET (81) ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) END
Room condition 25 for room 2: IF ((VERB (VERB 2:"N") AND NOT (SET? (81))) ) MESS (MESSAGE 251:"The way is barred by a force field.") END
Room condition 26 for room 2: IF ((VERB (VERB 2:"N") AND SET? (81)) ) GOTO (ROOM 1:"This room is occupied by a maniac robot, south east lies a locked cell. There are lift shafts to the west and south, while north and east are open doors.") ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) RESE (81) END
Flag 80 was already in use for reading the paper.

Room condition 29 for room 3: IF (SET? (200)) MESS (MESSAGE 60:"The suit protects you from the radiation.") WAIT END
Room condition 29 for room 3: IF (SET? (201)) MESS (MESSAGE 60:"The suit protects you from the radiation.") WAIT END
While wearing the suit it was not possible to give a command. I disabled this condition by usin a flag that does not exit (201)

Room condition 53 for room 10: IF (((VERB (VERB 21:"RUB") AND NOUN (NOUN 16:"RING")) AND CARR (OBJECT 16:"a ring")) ) MESS (MESSAGE 98:"The ring glows colourfully and...") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 53:"Your head spins, as you soar up....") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 54:"past clouds and land safely on your feet.") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 99:"") DROP (OBJECT 16:"a ring") (16 TO 0) ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) GOTO (ROOM 14:" You are in the pretty western garden of Labyrinth Mansion, west lies a building with the door ajar. Garden Paths lead off in all directions.") END
Room condition 53 for room 10: IF (((VERB (VERB 21:"RUB") AND NOUN (NOUN 16:"RING")) AND CARR (OBJECT 16:"a ring")) ) MESS (MESSAGE 98:"The ring glows colourfully and...") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 53:"Your head spins, as you soar up....") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 54:"past clouds and land safely on your feet.") HOLD (40) MESS (MESSAGE 32:"The ring magically fades from view.") DROP (OBJECT 16:"a ring") (16 TO 0) ((CTR (0) + 10) CSET 0) GOTO (ROOM 14:" You are in the pretty western garden of Labyrinth Mansion, west lies a building with the door ajar. Garden Paths lead off in all directions.") END
Message 99 did not exist, message 32 was the correct one.
COMPILATION -> Official Adventure PD - AMS 10 © Amstrad Adventure PD Library (19??)

Vidéo Youtube : "Roudoudou"


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