© Coktel Vision (1988)
A La Decouverte De La Terre


A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (2 faces) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF]  
elementA La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (2 faces) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].zip
121.48 Ko (Date : 2023-08-11)
A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk
[CRC:A8FD68EF]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (71.53 Ko-197.08 Ko)
A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk
[CRC:39C5619E]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (49.35 Ko-197.08 Ko)
Chargement : |CPM (clavier Qwerty) ou ùCPM (clavier Azerty)
Protection : KBI, 19sectors, KBI MASTER
Le mot clef pour la protection KBI est " MASTER "


(c) 1986 for KBI by Laurent Tournier

A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk170514. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 41 tracks formated / 41 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 285 / 379
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (379)
Sectors Specials : Gaps (6)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 19

A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [Original] (GAPS) [EDUCATIF].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk170514. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 41 tracks formated / 41 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 176 / 379
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (379)
Sectors Specials : Gaps (6)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 19
A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (2 faces) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF]  
elementA La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (2 faces) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].zip
125.16 Ko (Date : 2023-08-11)
A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk
[CRC:63CB5B98]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (71.45 Ko-199.75 Ko)
A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk
[CRC:460848F9]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (53.17 Ko-199.75 Ko)
Chargement : |CPM (clavier Qwerty) ou ùCPM (clavier Azerty) puis taper LOADER

A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face A) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk160220. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 42 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 266 / 378
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (378)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

A La Decouverte De La Terre (F) (128K) (Face B) (1988) (CPM) [EDUCATIF].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk160220. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 42 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 170 / 378
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (378)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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Reproduction forbidden without any express authorization. All the game titles used belong to their respective owners.
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