LogiTrumps is a trump card game with retro computers. It’s like we used to play it in the 80ies. Each player (you and the computer) gets the same number of cards. Each card represents a retro computer and has several values like year, memory and colours. Each card has its strengths and weaknesses. If a computer has a lot of memory or colours, he usually is not that old and therefor would likely loose in the year category. Usually the higher value wins. The year category is the only category where the lower value wins. The player who gets all cards first wins the game.
- MISC -
Existe en 3 versions :
* LOGITrumps (Version Basic 1.1 uniquement)
Participation au "10 Liners competition 2020", catégorie PUR-80 :
Classé 68/86 avec 5.00/10 points.
* LOGITrumps Advanced
Participation au "10 Liners competition 2020", catégorie PUR-120 :
Classé 6/31 avec 7.50/10 points.
* LOGITrumps Deluxe
Participation au "10 Liners competition 2020", catégorie EXTREM-256 :
Classé 8/25 avec 8.17/10 points.