GAME -> Platformer
© Software Projects (1985)
17.25 / 20.00
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier


Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Original] [TAPE]  
elementJet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Original] [TAPE].zip
31.91 Ko (Date : 2024-06-29)
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Original] [TAPE].cdt Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Original] [TAPE].cdt
[CRC:E91EC702]   [HexaDump]   [CdtView] (31.61 Ko-46.73 Ko)
Chargement : |TAPE puis RUN"" ou CTRL+ENTER(pavé numérique)
Dumpé par : Maxit
Protection : Codes


CDT propre
Face B strictement identique.
Cartography Room : OK
Protégé par un système de password basé sur 4 couleurs (cf la documentation numéro 2 en PDF)

Message caché :
Well, here is a little message to those of you who dare to HACK into other peoples programs! I cannot be bothered to put line feeds or carriage returns into all this, so there. Interesting thing, the Z80. Did you know, for example, about the conditional RST 38 instruction? Just try doing a JR Z,-1. Any condition will work. Not much use on the Amstrad! What do you mean you use it all the time!?!?!? Bye, and good luck with the game (tee hee!!).
Creator : ZXTape!
Total of blocks : 25
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (2 faces) (1985) [Original] [TAPE]  
elementJet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (2 faces) (1985) [Original] [TAPE].zip
59.74 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (Face B) (1985) (Amstrad CPC) [Original] [TAPE].cdt Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (Face B) (1985) (Amstrad CPC) [Original] [TAPE].cdt
[CRC:1E34BDF0]   [HexaDump]   [CdtView] (30.64 Ko-48.92 Ko)
Jet Set Willy II (UK) (Face A) (1985) (Spectrum) [Original] [TAPE].tzx Jet Set Willy II (UK) (Face A) (1985) (Spectrum) [Original] [TAPE].tzx
[CRC:B7A3B796]   [HexaDump]   [CdtView] (28.54 Ko-48.75 Ko)
Chargement : |TAPE puis RUN"" ou CTRL+ENTER(pavé numérique)
Dumpé par : Dlfrsilver pour Loic DANEELS
  • Are you using a 464 y/n

  • - COMMENTS -

    CDT propre
    Pas de protection par codes sur cette version.

    - BUGS -

    Cartography Room : Bug

    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (Face B) (1985) (Amstrad CPC) [Original] [TAPE].cdt

    Creator : ZXTape!
    Total of blocks : 45
    Blocks format : PAUSE (1), TURBO LOADING DATA (44)
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Trainer)  
    elementJet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Trainer).zip
    33.11 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Trainer).dsk Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Trainer).dsk
    [CRC:AEBAA23D]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (32.86 Ko-190.25 Ko)
    Chargement : RUN"JET.BAS
    Version de : G et S Kennedy
  • Are you using a 464 y/n
  • Cheat Mode (Y/N)
  • Nasties kill (Y/N)
  • Spikes, Bushes..etc kill? (Y/N)
  • high falls kill (Y/N)
  • Infinite lives (Y/N)

  • - COMMENTS -

    During the game...
    [1] to Deactivate Monsters
    [2] to Reactivate Monsters
    [3] to Disable Gravity
    [4] to Enable Gravity
    [Small Enter] to loose a life


    - DISCARD -

    Cartography Room : Bug

    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (Trainer).dsk

    Creator : SAMdisk100620. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
    1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
    -- SIDE 1 --
    Sectors used : 103 / 360
    Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
    Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
    Maximum of sectors in one track : 9
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (v2) (Trainer)  
    elementJet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (v2) (Trainer).zip
    31.64 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (v2) (Trainer).dsk Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (v2) (Trainer).dsk
    [CRC:BFFD9D11]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (31.39 Ko-185.5 Ko)
    Chargement : RUN"JSW2EXOM.BAS
    Version de : CNGSOFT
  • Infinite lives (Y/N)
  • Harmless enemies (Y/N)

  • - COMMENTS -

    47195 CALL&190' "CNG LZ5 20131012"


    Cartography Room : fixed

    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985) (v2) (Trainer).dsk

    Creator : SAMdisk130625. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
    1 side / 39 tracks formated / 39 tracks per side.
    -- SIDE 1 --
    Sectors used : 61 / 351
    Sectors format : SectorSize2 (351)
    Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
    Maximum of sectors in one track : 9
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985)  
    elementJet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985).zip
    31.54 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985).dsk Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985).dsk
    [CRC:F0DA3EFC]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (31.31 Ko-190.25 Ko)
    Chargement : RUN"JET.BAS
    Dumpé par : Maxit


    - DISCARD -

    Cartography Room : bug

    Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier (UK) (1985).dsk

    Creator : CaPriCe 4Ever. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
    1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
    -- SIDE 1 --
    Sectors used : 88 / 360
    Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
    Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
    Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

    Goto Top
    CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programming by Kukulcan © 2007-2024 all rights reserved.
    Reproduction forbidden without any express authorization. All the game titles used belong to their respective owners.
    Hébergement Web, Mail et serveurs de jeux haute performance