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NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (35.32 Ko)

nolist read "firmware.asm" read "keys.asm" read "inks.asm" run start,break org #8000 limit #9fff .start call KL_L_ROM_ENABLE ld a,2 call SCR_SET_MODE ld bc,#0202 call SCR_SET_BORDER ld bc,#0f0f ld a,14 call SCR_SET_INK ld bc,#1919 ld a,15 call SCR_SET_INK ;ld sp,#c000 di ld hl,(#39) ld (hl),#c9 ld hl,0 ld de,store40 ld bc,#40 ldir ld hl,unlock ld bc,#bc11 .unlocklp ld a,(hl) inc hl out (c),a dec c jr nz,unlocklp .menu call reset ld de,#c002 call prints db "Select a test to run",0 ld e,#a2 call prints db "1. ASIC Sprite test",0 ld e,#f2 call prints db "2. Monitor HSYNC test",0 ld de,#c142 call prints db "3. Horizontal Split and Soft-Scroll test",0 ld e,#92 call prints db "4. Interrupt, VSync and R52 timing test",0 ld e,#e2 call prints db "5. Instruction Timing test",0 ld de,#c232 call prints db "6. Register 0 test",0 ld e,#82 call prints db "7. Register 4 test",0 ld e,#d2 call prints db "8. Register 9 test",0 ld de,#c322 call prints db "9. Interrupt Wait test",0 ld de,#c782 call prints db "Soft Scroll (Z, X): ",0 ld e,20 call waite .lpmenu call waitffb ld bc,#7fb8 out (c),c ld a,(defssc) ld (#6804),a ld bc,#7fa0 out (c),c ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c ld de,#c796 call hexa ei halt ld hl,tkm dec (hl) jr nz,lpmenu ld (hl),4 call scan ld a,KEY_1 call tkey jr z,runtest1 ld a,KEY_2 call tkey jp z,runtest2 ld a,KEY_3 call tkey jp z,runtest3 ld a,KEY_4 call tkey jp z,runtest4 ld a,KEY_5 call tkey jp z,runtest5 ld a,KEY_6 call tkey jp z,runtest6 ld a,KEY_7 call tkey jp z,runtest7 ld a,KEY_8 call tkey jp z,runtest8 ld a,KEY_9 call tkey jp z,runtest9 ld hl,defssc ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,mnoz dec (hl) .mnoz ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,mnox inc (hl) .mnox jp lpmenu .tkm db 3 .defssc db 0 .runtest1 call reset di ld bc,#7f10 out (c),c ld bc,#7f00 + INK_3 out (c),c ld bc,#bc01 out (c),c ld bc,#bd3f out (c),c ld bc,#bc06 out (c),c ld bc,#bd10 out (c),c ei ld de,#c000 call prints db "ASIC Sprite Test (Cursors, A, S, Z, X, <, > and T)",0 ld e,#7e call prints db "X: Y: Scale: R2: R9:",0 .loop ld e,3 call waite call scan call setvals ld de,#c080 ld hl,(sprx) call hexhl ld e,#87 ld hl,(spry) call hexhl ld e,#92 ld a,(sprsz) call hexa ld e,#98 ld a,(r2) call hexa ld e,#9e ld a,(r9) call hexa ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,noleft ld hl,(sprx) dec hl ld (sprx),hl .noleft ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,noright ld hl,(sprx) inc hl ld (sprx),hl .noright ld a,KEY_UP call tkey jr nz,noup ld hl,(spry) dec hl ld (spry),hl .noup ld a,KEY_DOWN call tkey jr nz,nodown ld hl,(spry) inc hl ld (spry),hl .nodown ld a,KEY_COMMA call tkey jr nz,nocomma ld a,(r2) dec a and #3f ld (r2),a .nocomma ld a,KEY_POINT call tkey jr nz,nopoint ld a,(r2) inc a and #3f ld (r2),a .nopoint ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,noz ld hl,sprsz dec (hl) .noz ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,nox ld hl,sprsz inc (hl) .nox ld a,KEY_A call tkey jr nz,noa ld hl,r9 dec (hl) .noa ld a,KEY_S call tkey jr nz,nob ld hl,r9 inc (hl) .nob ld a,KEY_T call tkey jr nz,not ld a,(dbl) xor 1 ld (dbl),a ld de,#3f3f jr z,notdbl ld de,#7f7e .notdbl ld bc,#bc00 out (c),c inc b out (c),d dec b inc c out (c),c inc b out (c),e .not ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu jp loop .sprx dw 0 .spry dw 0 .sprsz db 5 .r2 db 46 .r9 db 7 .dbl db 0 .runtest2 call reset ld de,#c000 call prints db "HSYNC Test (Cursors, Z, X, <, >)",0 ld de,#c050 call prints db "R2:00 Height:00 R3:00 R0:00",0 .test2 call waitffb call scan ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu ei halt ld de,#c053 ld a,(hspos) call hexa ld e,#5d ld a,(hswid) call hexa ld e,#63 ld a,(r3) call hexa ld e,#69 ld a,(r0) call hexa ei halt ld e,33 call waitrowe ld bc,#bc02 out (c),c ld a,(hspos) inc b out (c),a dec b inc c out (c),c ld a,(r3) inc b out (c),a ld bc,#bc00 out (c),c ld a,(r0) inc b out (c),a ld bc,#7f10 out (c),c ld c,#4c out (c),c ld a,(hswid) ld e,a call waitrowe ld bc,#7f5c out (c),c ld bc,#bc02 out (c),c ld bc,#bd2e out (c),c ld bc,#bc00 out (c),c ld bc,#bd3f out (c),c ld bc,#bc03 out (c),c ld bc,#bd8e out (c),c ld hl,key dec (hl) jp nz,test2 ld (hl),2 ld hl,hspos ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,nleft2 ld a,(hl) cp 63 jr z,nleft2 inc (hl) .nleft2 ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,nright2 ld a,(hl) or a jr z,nright2 dec (hl) .nright2 ld hl,hswid ld a,KEY_UP call tkey jr nz,nup2 ld a,(hl) cp 1 jr z,nup2 dec (hl) .nup2 ld a,KEY_DOWN call tkey jr nz,ndown2 ld a,(hl) cp #b8 jr z,ndown2 inc (hl) .ndown2 ld hl,r3 ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,nz2 ld a,(hl) cp #80 jr z,nz2 dec (hl) .nz2 ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,nx2 ld a,(hl) cp #8f jr z,nx2 inc (hl) .nx2 ld hl,r0 ld a,KEY_COMMA call tkey jr nz,ncomma2 ld a,(hl) cp #30 jr z,ncomma2 dec (hl) .ncomma2 ld a,KEY_POINT call tkey jr nz,npoint2 ld a,(hl) cp #7f jr z,npoint2 inc (hl) .npoint2 jp test2 .hspos db 46 .hswid db 48 .r3 db #8e .r0 db #3f .runtest3 call reset ld de,#c000 call prints db "Horizontal Split Test (Left, Right Cursors)",0 ld e,#50 call prints db "Soft Scroll:",0 ld e,#a0 ld b,10 .pmore call prints db "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" db "00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777",0 dec b jp nz,pmore ld bc,#7fb8 out (c),c ld a,#f ld (#6004),a ld hl,#80 ld (#6000),hl ld hl,48 ld (#6002),hl .test3 call waitffb call scan ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu ld a,(ssc + 1) ld (#6804),a ei halt ld de,#c05c ld a,(ssc + 1) call hexa ei halt ld e,41 call waitrowe ld b,5 djnz $-1 ld bc,#7fb8 out (c),c ld e,16 .test3lp ld hl,0 ld (#6400),hl nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ld bc,#7f00 out (c),c ld c,#4b out (c),c ld hl,0 ld (#6400),hl ld hl,#fff ld (#6400),hl ld c,#44 out (c),c nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop dec e jr nz,test3lp ld e,16 call waitrowe ld e,48 .test3lp2 ld b,3 djnz $-1 ld a,#e0 ld (#6000),a nop nop nop nop nop nop ld a,#80 ld (#6000),a ld b,6 djnz $-1 nop nop nop nop dec e jr nz,test3lp2 ld e,15 call waitrowe ld b,13 djnz $-1 ld e,48 .test3lp3 ld b,3 djnz $-1 nop ld a,0 ld (#6804),a nop nop nop nop nop nop .ssc ld a,0 ld (#6804),a ld b,6 djnz $-1 nop nop nop dec e jr nz,test3lp3 ld hl,key dec (hl) jp nz,test3 ld (hl),2 ld hl,ssc + 1 ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,noleft3 dec (hl) .noleft3 ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,noright3 inc (hl) .noright3 jp test3 .runtest4 call reset ld a,2 ld (key),a ld bc,#bc03 out (c),c ld bc,#bd8e out (c),c ld de,#c000 call prints db "Vertical Sync and Raster 52 Timing Test :",0 ld de,#c140 call prints db "012345678901234567890123456789012345678 :",0 ld de,#c1e0 call prints db "NOPs to SYNC: ",0 ld de,#c410 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c460 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c4b0 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c500 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c550 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c5a0 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld de,#c690 call prints db "012345678 :",0 ld bc,#7f01 out (c),c ld c,INK_0 out (c),c .test4 di call waitffb ld bc,#7f00 out (c),c ld c,INK_18 out (c),c ld e,77 call waitrowe ld b,10 djnz $-1 nop:nop:nop ld bc,#7f00 + INK_1 out (c),c ld b,8 djnz $-1 nop nop ei halt nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ld bc,#7f00 + INK_6 out (c),c ld c,#01 out (c),c ld c,INK_26 out (c),c ld c,#00 out (c),c ei halt nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ld bc,#7f00 + INK_4 out (c),c ld hl,key dec (hl) jr nz,nor4 ld (hl),2 ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu ld hl,numnops ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,nol4 ld a,(hl) dec a and 7 ld (hl),a .nol4 ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,nor4 ld a,(hl) inc a and 7 ld (hl),a .nor4 ld de,#c1ee ld a,(numnops) call hexa ei halt ld e,24 call waitrowe ld b,15 djnz $-1 nop ld a,(numnops) ld c,a ld a,8 sub c ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,nops add hl,bc call KL_PCHL ld bc,#bc07 out (c),c ld bc,#bd0e out (c),c ld b,#f5 in a,(c) rra ld d,INK_10 jr nc,use10 ld d,INK_13 .use10 in a,(c) rra jr nc,use10 .inffb2 in a,(c) rra jr c,inffb2 ld bc,#7f9a out (c),c ld e,17 call waitrowe ld b,8 djnz $-1 nop ld bc,#7f00 out (c),c out (c),d ei halt ld bc,#bd1e out (c),c ld b,10 djnz $-1 nop nop ld bc,#7f00 out (c),c ld c,INK_24 out (c),c ld c,1 out (c),c ld bc,#7f00 + INK_0 out (c),c call scan nop nop nop nop nop nop nop jp test4 .numnops db 0 .inittime ld e,1 call waite call resetextra ld hl,nops ld bc,1 call runit inc hl ;Assuming NOP time is OK ld (reftime + 1),hl call resetextra ld de,#c0a0 ld hl,gettimes ld (times + 1),hl ret .runtest5 ex af,af' push af ex af,af' exx push hl push de push bc exx call reset di ld de,#c000 call prints db "Instruction Timing Test (Assumes NOP, HALT and Interrupt timing Ok)",0 ld hl,instruction ld (pruntest + 1),hl ld hl,1 ld (bcpause + 1),hl .dotest5 call inittime call stdinst call newline2 call printsnl db "CB Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimescb ld (times + 1),hl xor a ld b,a call testcb call newline2 call printsnl db "DD Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimesdd ld (times + 1),hl ld a,#fd ld (testdjnz + 2),a ld hl,startextradd ld bc,endextraddfd call setextra call stdinst ld a,#fe ld (testdjnz + 2),a call newline2 call printsnl db "ED Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimesed ld (times + 1),hl call tested call newline2 call printsnl db "FD Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimesdd ld (times + 1),hl ld a,#fd ld (testdjnz + 2),a ld hl,startextrafd ld bc,endextraddfd call setextra call stdinst ld a,#fe ld (testdjnz + 2),a call newline2 call printsnl db "DD CB Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimesddcb ld (times + 1),hl ld hl,startextraddcb ld bc,noextra call setextra xor a ld b,a call looptest1 call newline2 call printsnl db "FD CB Codes",0 call newline2 ld hl,gettimesddcb ld (times + 1),hl ld hl,startextrafdcb ld bc,noextra call setextra xor a ld b,a call looptest1 exx pop bc pop de pop hl exx ex af,af' pop af ex af,af' call space jp menu .tested ld hl,startextraed ld bc,noextra .tested2 call setextra ld b,#43 xor a call looptest1 xor a ld hl,#fffe call setmodshl ld hl,testsed1 call normtest ld b,52 ld a,#7c call looptest1 ld b,2 ld a,#b0 call testirdr1 ld b,2 call testirdr2 ld b,4 call looptest1 ld b,2 ld a,#b8 call testirdr1 ld b,2 call testirdr2 ld a,#bc ld b,#44 call looptest1 call newline2 call printsnl db "CPIR, CPDR with match",0 call newline2 ld a,#ff ld (testcpir),a xor a ld (modmoda + 1),a ld a,#b1 ld b,1 call testirdr1 ld a,#b9 ld b,1 call testirdr1 xor a ld (testcpir),a ld a,#ff ld (modmoda + 1),a call resetmods jp resetextra .testirdr1 push af push bc ld b,a ld a,(moda + 1) push af .modmoda ld a,#ff ld (moda + 1),a ld a,b push de ld hl,2 ;Do first for a count of 2 ld (modbc + 1),hl ld (tests3 + 1),a call testitcl push bc ld hl,1 ;Then for a count of 1 ld (modbc + 1),hl call testitcl pop hl ld a,(modmoda + 1) or a ld a,h jr z,nosub sub b .nosub ld c,b ld b,a ld a,(tests3 + 1) pop de call showinst pop af ld (moda + 1),a pop bc pop af inc a djnz testirdr1 ret .testirdr2 push af push bc push de ld hl,#200 ;Do first for a count of 2 ld (modbc + 1),hl ld (tests3 + 1),a call testitcl push bc ld hl,#100 ;Then for a count of 1 ld (modbc + 1),hl call testitcl pop hl ld a,h sub b ld c,b ld b,a ld a,(tests3 + 1) pop de call showinst pop bc pop af inc a djnz testirdr2 ret .testitcl ld hl,0 ld (#fffe),hl ld (#fffc),hl ld hl,tests3 ld e,0 jp testit .stdinst ld hl,tests1 call normtest push de ld hl,(modbc + 1) push hl ld hl,#100 ld (modbc + 1),hl ld hl,testdjnz ld e,0 call testit push bc ld a,#02 ld (modbc + 2),a ld hl,testdjnz ld e,0 call testit ld a,b pop bc sub b ld c,b ld b,a pop hl ld (modbc + 1),hl pop de ld a,#10 call showinst ld hl,tests2 call normtest ld b,#37 ld a,#3f call looptest1 ld bc,#101 call showinst ld b,#4b ld a,#77 call looptest1 ld hl,tests4 call normtest ld a,#c7 call rsttest ld hl,tests5 call normtest ld a,#cf call rsttest ld hl,tests6 call normtest ld a,#ff ld (moda + 1),a ld hl,testoutn call testboth call showinst xor a ld (moda + 1),a ld hl,tests7 call normtest ld a,#d7 call rsttest ld hl,tests8 call normtest ld a,#ff ld (moda + 1),a ld hl,testinn call testboth call showinst xor a ld (moda + 1),a ld hl,tests9 call normtest ld a,#df call rsttest ld hl,tests10 call normtest ld a,#e7 call rsttest ld hl,instruction + 1 xor a call setmodshl ld hl,tests11 call normtest call resetmods ld a,#ef call rsttest ld hl,tests12 call normtest ld a,#f7 call rsttest ld hl,tests13 call normtest ld a,#ff jp rsttest .testcb push bc push af ld (testscb1 + 2),a ld hl,testscb1 call testboth pop af push af call showinst pop af pop bc inc a djnz testcb ret .testa ld (tests3 + 1),a ld hl,tests3 call testboth ret .rsttest call testa dec b:dec b:dec b dec c:dec c:dec c jp showinst .clear ld hl,#c050 ld b,8 .clrlp push bc push hl ld d,h ld e,l inc de ld bc,#7ff - #50 ld (hl),0 ldir pop hl ld a,h add 8 ld h,a pop bc djnz clrlp ret .space ld de,#c780 call prints db "Press Space to continue",0 .wtspc call scan ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jr nz,wtspc ret .looptest1 ld hl,tests3 ld c,1 .looptest ; B = count, C = instruction offset, A = first instruction, ; HL = buffer push bc push af push hl ld b,0 add hl,bc ld (hl),a pop hl push hl call testboth call showinst pop hl pop af inc a pop bc djnz looptest ret .normtest ld b,(hl) inc hl .t5lp2 push bc call testboth call showinst pop bc djnz t5lp2 ret .newline ;DE = current position ld hl,#c000 ld bc,#50 .newlnlp call cphlde jr nc,usehl add hl,bc jr newlnlp .usehl ret .newline2 call newline add hl,bc ex de,hl ret .cphlde ld a,h cp d ret nz ld a,l cp e ret .printsnl call checknl jp prints .checknl push af push bc push hl push de ld hl,#c730 call cphlde jr z,newscr jr nc,nonew .newscr call space call clear pop de ld de,#c0a0 push de .nonew pop de pop hl pop bc pop af ret .showinst ;A = Instruction, B,C = time push hl push bc push af call checknl push bc call hexa call prints db ":",0 pop bc push bc ld a,b call bithex pop bc ld a,c cp b jr z,nosec push bc call prints db "/",0 pop bc ld a,c call bithex jr endins .nosec call prints db " ",0 .endins pop af .times call gettimes pop bc ld a,(bcpause + 1) dec a call nz,modwaittime ld a,h cp b jr nz,badtime ld a,l cp c jr nz,badtime call prints db 06," ",0 pop hl ret .badtime call prints db #cb," ",0 pop hl ret .gettimes ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,times1 add hl,bc ld a,(hl) .modtime ld h,a and #f ld l,a ld a,h rra rra rra rra and #f ld h,a ret .gettimescb ld b,a ld c,#22 and 7 cp 6 jr nz,gottimecb ld c,#44 bit 7,b jr nz,gottimecb bit 6,b jr z,gottimecb ld c,#33 .gottimecb ld a,c jr modtime .gettimesdd push af call gettimes inc h inc l pop af cp #34 jr c,gottimedd cp #37 jr c,longdd cp #46 jr c,gottimedd cp #bf jr nc,gottimedd cp #70 jr c,not7077 cp #78 jr nc,not7077 cp #76 jr nz,longdd ld hl,#101 jr gottimedd .not7077 and 7 cp 6 jr nz,gottimedd .longdd inc h inc l inc h inc l .gottimedd ret .gettimesed push af ld a,(modmoda + 1) or a jr nz,normtimes pop af ld c,#44 jr gottimecb .normtimes pop af ld c,#22 cp #bc jr nc,gottimecb sub #40 jr c,gottimecb ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,times2 add hl,bc ld a,(hl) jr modtime .gettimesddcb ld c,#77 cp #40 jr c,gottimecb cp #80 jr nc,gottimecb ld a,#66 jp modtime .storesp2 dw 0 .storesp dw 0 .instend dw 0 .store ds 4 .testboth ; HL = address of size + data ; Returns A = instruction, HL = end of data, B = time1, C = time2 push de ld e,0 push hl call testit ld d,b pop hl dec e call testit ld c,d pop de ret .testit ; HL = address of size + data, E = flags ; Returns A = instruction, HL = end of data, B = time push de ld c,(hl) ld b,0 inc hl push bc push hl call runit .reftime ld de,0 ex de,hl or a sbc hl,de ld b,l pop hl pop de ld a,(hl) add hl,de pop de ret .noextra ret .resetextra ld hl,noextra ld b,h ld c,l .setextra ; HL = start routine, BC = end routine ld (startextra + 1),hl ld (endextra + 1),bc ret .startextraed ld a,#ed ld (de),a inc de ret .startextradd push af ld a,#dd jr setextrafd .startextrafd push af ld a,#fd .setextrafd ld (de),a inc de pop af cp #e9 ; jp (ix), jp (iy) ret nz push hl ld hl,instruction + 2 ld (modix + 2),hl ld (modiy + 2),hl pop hl ret .startextraddcb push af ld a,#dd jr setextrafdcb .startextrafdcb push af ld a,#fd .setextrafdcb ld (de),a inc de ld a,#cb ld (de),a inc de ld a,0 ld (de),a inc de pop af ret .endextraddfd cp #34 jr c,nosetdd cp #37 jr c,setdd cp #46 jr c,nosetdd cp #bf jr nc,nosetdd cp #76 jr z,nosetdd cp #70 jr c,less70 cp #78 jr c,setdd .less70 and 7 cp 6 jr nz,nosetdd .setdd xor a ld (de),a inc de .nosetdd ret .runit ;HL = address of instruction data to run, BC = size, DE = Flags ;Returns di push bc push de ld (flags + 1),de ld (storesp),sp push bc push hl ld bc,#7f8e ;Disable lower ROM out (c),c call waitffb ld de,0 call setint ld bc,#bc0f ;Ensure writing to reg 15 out (c),c ei halt ld de,instruction pop hl ld a,(hl) .startextra call noextra pop bc ld a,(hl) ldir .endextra call noextra ld (instend),de ld h,d ld l,e dec hl ld a,(hl) cp hi3 jr nz,nohi3 dec hl ld a,(hl) cp lo3 jr nz,nohi3 ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d .nohi3 push de ; For RET tests ld b,8 xor a .clrlp2 ld (de),a inc de djnz clrlp2 ld (storesp2),sp ld hl,#38 ld (#be86),hl ld (#beff),hl ld a,#be ld i,a ei halt ld de,getins call setint ld e,47 call waitrowe .flags ld hl,0 push hl ld a,#c9 ld (#0000),a ld (#0008),a ld (#0010),a ld (#0018),a ld (#0020),a ld (#0028),a ld (#0030),a ld (#0038),a pop af .modhl ld hl,store .modde ld de,store .modbc ld bc,store .modix ld ix,store .modiy ld iy,store .moda ld a,0 ei .pruntest jp instruction .instruction ds 18 di im 1 ei nop nop ld a,#c3 ld (#38),a ld sp,(storesp) .bcpause ld bc,1 .lpbc1 dec bc ld a,b or c jr nz,lpbc1 ei ds 256 .getins ld de,0 call setint pop hl ld bc,(instend) or a sbc hl,bc ld sp,(storesp) ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c pop de pop bc ret .resetmods xor a ld hl,store .setmodshl ld (modhl + 1),hl ld (modde + 1),hl ld (modbc + 1),hl ld (modix + 2),hl ld (modiy + 2),hl ld (moda + 1),a ret .puta push hl ld (hl),a inc hl ld (hl),a inc hl ld (hl),a inc hl ld (hl),a inc hl pop hl ld a,h add 8 ld h,a ret .runtest6 call reset ld de,#c000 call prints db "Register 0 Test",0 ld de,#c050 call prints db "R9: R4: R5: R0:",0 ld de,#c0a0 call prints db "Addr:",0 ld de,#c1e0 call prints db "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",0 ld hl,#c190 ld a,3 call puta ld a,#c call puta ld a,#f call puta ld a,#30 call puta ld a,#33 call puta ld a,#3c call puta ld a,#3f call puta ld a,#ff call puta call waitffb ei halt ei halt ld hl,#bfff ld (bytead),hl .test6 call waitffb ld bc,#bc07 out (c),c ld bc,#bd1e out (c),c ld bc,#bc06 out (c),c ld bc,#bd05 out (c),c ld b,22 djnz $-1 ld bc,#7f9e out (c),c call scan ld a,(tkey6) dec a jr nz,nos6 ld hl,t6r4 ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,noz6 ld (hl),0 ld de,(outca) ld (t6r4set),de .noz6 ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,nox6 ld (hl),1 ld de,(outcd) ld (t6r4set),de .nox6 ld hl,t6r5 ld a,KEY_A call tkey jr nz,noa6 dec (hl) .noa6 ld a,KEY_S call tkey jr nz,nos6 inc (hl) .nos6 ei halt ld bc,#bc06 out (c),c ld bc,#bd05 out (c),c ld hl,tkey6 dec (hl) jr nz,nodown6 ld (hl),3 ld hl,t6r9 ld a,KEY_UP call tkey jr nz,noup6 dec (hl) .noup6 ld a,KEY_DOWN call tkey jr nz,nodown6 inc (hl) .nodown6 ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c ld a,(t6r9) ld de,#c053 call hexa ld hl,(bytead) ld de,#c0a5 call hexhl ld a,(t6r4) ld de,#c059 call hexa ld a,(t6r5) ld bc,#bc05 out (c),c inc b out (c),a ld de,#c05f call hexa ld a,(t6r0) ld de,#c065 call hexa ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ei halt ld bc,#7f8c out (c),c ld b,72 djnz $-1 ld de,#0102 ld bc,#bc04 out (c),c inc b out (c),c ld bc,#bc0d out (c),c ld bc,#bdc9 out (c),c ld bc,#bc09 out (c),c ld a,(t6r9) inc b out (c),a xor a dec b out (c),d .t6r1 ld bc,#bd01 out (c),d ld bc,#bc02 out (c),c ld bc,#bd08 out (c),c dec b out (c),a inc b out (c),d ld bc,#bc04 out (c),c inc b .t6r4set out (c),a nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop dec b out (c),a ld bc,#bd13 out (c),c ld hl,#0520 nop .test6lp nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop:nop:nop out (c),h nop:nop out (c),d nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop:nop nop:nop out (c),c dec l jp nz,test6lp ld h,#19 out (c),h dec b out (c),d inc b out (c),a dec b out (c),e ld bc,#bd2e out (c),c dec b out (c),a ld bc,#bd3f out (c),c ld bc,#bc09 out (c),c ld bc,#bd00 out (c),c ld bc,#bc05 out (c),c ld bc,#bd00 out (c),c ld e,#a0 call waitrowe ld bc,#bc09 out (c),c ld bc,#bd07 out (c),c ld bc,#bc04 out (c),c ld bc,#bd09 out (c),c ld bc,#bc07 out (c),c ld bc,#bd01 out (c),c ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ld bc,#bc01 out (c),c ld bc,#bd28 out (c),c ld bc,#bc0d out (c),c inc b xor a out (c),a ld bc,#bc05 out (c),c inc b out (c),a ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,noright6 ld hl,(bytead) inc hl set 7,h set 6,h ld (bytead),hl ld (hl),#cc .noright6 ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu jp test6 .bytead dw #bfff .t6r9 db 6 .t6r4 db 0 .t6r5 db 0 .t6r0 db 2 .tkey6 db 2 .outca out (c),a .outcd out (c),d .runtest7 call reset ld de,#c000 call prints db "Register 4 Test",0 ld e,#a0 call prints db "NOPS1:",0 ld e,#f0 call prints db "NOPS2:",0 ld de,#c140 call prints db "R5:",0 ld de,#c190 call prints db "Line 5",0 ld de,#c1e0 call prints db "Line 6",0 ld de,#c230 call prints db "Line 7",0 ld de,#c280 call prints db "NOPS3:",0 ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ld hl,#2000 ld de,#2001 ld bc,#1fff ld (hl),0 ldir call waitffb ei halt ei halt .test7 call waitffb ld b,30 djnz $-1 ld bc,#7f9e out (c),c call scan ei halt ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c ld hl,(t7nops) ld de,#c0a7 call hexhl ld hl,(t7nops2) ld de,#c0f7 call hexhl ld de,#c144 ld a,(t7r5) call hexa ld de,#c287 ld hl,(t7nops3) call hexhl ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ld hl,(t7nops) ld bc,#2000 add hl,bc ld (hl),#c9 ld a,(t7r5) ld bc,#bc05 out (c),c inc b out (c),a ei halt ld e,4 call waitrowe ld b,2 djnz $-1 call #2000 ld (hl),0 ld hl,(t7nops2) ld bc,#2000 add hl,bc ld (hl),#c9 ld bc,#bc04 out (c),c ld bc,#bd05 out (c),c call #2000 ld (hl),0 ld c,7 out (c),c ld hl,(t7nops3) ld bc,#2000 add hl,bc ld (hl),#c9 call #2000 ld (hl),0 ld bc,#bd20 out (c),c ld bc,#bc07 out (c),c ld bc,#bd18 out (c),c ld bc,#bc05 out (c),c ld bc,#bd00 out (c),c ld bc,#7f00 out (c),c ld bc,#7f4c out (c),c ld b,20 djnz $-1 ld bc,#7f44 out (c),c ld hl,t7key ld a,(hl) dec a ld (hl),a jp nz,noleft7 ld (hl),3 ld a,KEY_A call tkey jr nz,noa7 ld hl,(t7nops3) dec hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops3),hl .noa7 ld a,KEY_S call tkey jr nz,nos7 ld hl,(t7nops3) inc hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops3),hl .nos7 ld hl,t7r5 ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,noz7 dec (hl) .noz7 ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,nox7 inc (hl) .nox7 ld a,KEY_UP call tkey jr nz,noup7 ld hl,(t7nops2) dec hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops2),hl .noup7 ld a,KEY_DOWN call tkey jr nz,nodown7 ld hl,(t7nops2) inc hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops2),hl .nodown7 ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,noright7 ld hl,(t7nops) inc hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops),hl .noright7 ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,noleft7 ld hl,(t7nops) dec hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t7nops),hl .noleft7 ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu jp test7 .t7nops dw #1ef .t7nops2 dw 0 .t7nops3 dw #78c .t7r5 db 0 .t7key db 2 .runtest8 call reset ld de,#c000 call prints db "Register 9 Test",0 ld e,#a0 call prints db "NOPS1:",0 ld e,#f0 call prints db "NOPS2:",0 ld de,#c140 call prints db "R9 (1):",0 ld de,#c190 call prints db "R9 (2):",0 ld de,#c1e0 call prints db "Line 6",0 ld de,#c230 call prints db "Line 7",0 ld de,#c028 ld a,1 ld b,16 .lpt61 push af push bc push de ld b,a .lpt62 push bc ld a,#95 call fchar pop bc djnz lpt62 pop hl ld de,#50 add hl,de ex de,hl pop bc pop af inc a djnz lpt61 ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ld hl,#2000 ld de,#2001 ld bc,#1fff ld (hl),0 ldir call waitffb ei halt ei halt .test8 call waitffb ld b,30 djnz $-1 ld bc,#7f9e out (c),c call scan ei halt ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c ld hl,(t8nops1) ld de,#c0a7 call hexhl ld hl,(t8nops2) ld de,#c0f7 call hexhl ld de,#c148 ld a,(t8r9a) call hexa ld de,#c198 ld a,(t8r9b) call hexa ld bc,#7f8e out (c),c ld hl,(t8nops1) ld bc,#2000 add hl,bc ld (hl),#c9 ei halt ld e,13 call waitrowe call #2000 ld (hl),0 ld hl,(t8nops2) ld bc,#2000 add hl,bc ld (hl),#c9 ld bc,#bc09 out (c),c ld a,(t8r9a) inc b out (c),a call #2000 ld (hl),0 ld a,(t8r9b) out (c),a ld e,2 call waitrowe ld bc,#bd07 out (c),c ld hl,t8key dec (hl) jr nz,nodown8 ld (hl),3 ld a,KEY_A call tkey jr nz,noa8 ld hl,(t8nops1) dec hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t8nops1),hl .noa8 ld a,KEY_S call tkey jr nz,nos8 ld hl,(t8nops1) inc hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t8nops1),hl .nos8 ld a,KEY_Z call tkey jr nz,noz8 ld hl,(t8nops2) dec hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t8nops2),hl .noz8 ld a,KEY_X call tkey jr nz,nox8 ld hl,(t8nops2) inc hl ld a,h and #1f ld h,a ld (t8nops2),hl .nox8 ld hl,t8r9a ld a,KEY_LEFT call tkey jr nz,noleft8 dec (hl) .noleft8 ld a,KEY_RIGHT call tkey jr nz,noright8 inc (hl) .noright8 ld hl,t8r9b ld a,KEY_UP call tkey jr nz,noup8 dec (hl) .noup8 ld a,KEY_DOWN call tkey jr nz,nodown8 inc (hl) .nodown8 ld a,KEY_SPACE call tkey jp z,menu jp test8 .t8nops1 dw 0 .t8nops2 dw 0 .t8r9a db 7 .t8r9b db 7 .t8key db 2 .key db 2 .runtest9 ex af,af' push af ex af,af' exx push hl push de push bc exx call reset di ld de,#c000 call prints db "Interrupt Wait state timing test",0 ld hl,waittest ld (pruntest + 1),hl ld hl,450 ld (bcpause + 1),hl xor a ld (testcpir),a jp dotest5 .waittest ;Insert exact number of wait states to cause interrupt generate push bc push af ld b,45 djnz $-1 pop af pop bc nop nop jp instruction .modwaittime push af ld a,b and #f ld b,a ld a,c and #f ld c,a push bc push de push hl ld hl,adjtable ld de,#0000 ld a,(instruction) cp #dd jr z,waitddfd cp #fd jr nz,twaited .waitddfd ld de,#0101 ld a,(instruction + 1) jr testwait .twaited cp #ed jr nz,testwait ld a,(instruction + 1) cp #b1 jr z,isb1 cp #b9 jr nz,notb1 .isb1 ld b,a ld a,(testcpir) or a jr nz,nomatch ld a,b .notb1 cp #46 jr z,is46 cp #4e jr z,is46 cp #66 jr z,is46 cp #6e jr nz,not46 .is46 .break ld a,(plus) ld a,#dd jr nz,newtimea ld a,#22 jr newtimea .not46 ld hl,adjtableed .testwait ld b,(hl) .testwait1 inc hl cp (hl) jr z,newtime inc hl djnz testwait1 .nomatch pop hl .retshow pop de pop bc pop af ret .newtime inc hl ld a,(hl) .newtimea ld l,a and #f0 rrca rrca rrca rrca add d ld h,a ld a,l and #0f add e ld l,a pop de jr retshow .testcpir db 0 ;opcodes, times .adjtable db 18 db #03,#11, #0b,#11, #13,#11, #1b,#11, #23,#11, #2b,#11, #33,#11, #3b,#11 db #c0,#14, #c8,#41, #d0,#14, #d8,#41, #e0,#14, #e3,#55, #e8,#41, #f0,#14 db #f8,#41, #f9,#11 .adjtableed db 12 db #47,#22, #4f,#22, #57,#22, #5e,#44, #5f,#22, #7e,#44, #a0,#44, #a8,#44 db #b0,#64, #b1,#54, #b8,#64, #b9,#54 .waitrowe ld b,14 .lpwtrow djnz lpwtrow nop nop nop dec e jr nz,waitrowe ret .setvals di ld bc,#7fb8 out (c),c ld hl,(sprx) ld (#6000),hl ld hl,(#6000) ld (sprx),hl ld hl,(spry) ld (#6002),hl ld hl,(#6002) ld (spry),hl ld a,(sprsz) ld (#6004),a ld a,(r2) ld bc,#bc02 out (c),c inc b out (c),a ld a,(r9) ld bc,#bc09 out (c),c inc b and #1f out (c),a ld bc,#bc04 out (c),c ld l,a ld h,0 inc hl ld e,l ld d,h or a ld c,#71 jr z,isbig ld c,#54 dec a jr z,isbig ld c,0 .lpbig ld a,h cp #01 jr nz,notbig ld a,l cp #38 jr nc,isbig .notbig inc c add hl,de jr lpbig .isbig inc b out (c),c dec b ld a,6 out (c),a inc b dec c out (c),c ld a,e dec a jr nz,not1 ld a,20 jr set7 .not1 dec a jr nz,not2 ld a,20 jr set7 .not2 ld a,c srl a .set7 ld bc,#bc07 out (c),c inc b out (c),a ld bc,#7fa0 out (c),c ld bc,#7f8a out (c),c ei ret .prints ex (sp),hl call printhl ex (sp),hl ret .printhl ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z call fchar jr printhl .hexhl ld a,h call hexa ld a,l .hexa push af rra rra rra rra call bithex pop af .bithex and #f cp 10 jr c,less10 add 7 .less10 add 48 jp fchar .waitffb ld b,#f5 .waitffblp in a,(c) rra jr nc,waitffblp ret .waite call waitffb ei halt ei halt dec e jr nz,waite ret .plus db 0 .reset di ld hl,store40 ld de,0 ld bc,#40 ldir ld e,10 call waite ld hl,defvals ld bc,#bc00 .lpcrtc ld a,(hl) inc hl out (c),c inc b out (c),a dec b inc c ld a,c cp 14 jr nz,lpcrtc di ld bc,#7fb8 out (c),c xor a ld (#6004),a ld a,(defssc) ld (#6804),a ld a,#81 ;Should cause IM0 instruction to use #86 ld (#6805),a ld hl,#fff ld (#6422),hl ld a,#ff ld (#4000),a ld a,(#4000) and #f0 ld (plus),a ld hl,spr ld de,#4000 ld bc,#100 ldir ld e,10 call waite ld a,2 jp SCR_SET_MODE .scan ;Scans the keyboard to ktab, called on interrupt ;Only flags corrupt ld l,0 ld bc,#f40e out (c),c ld bc,#f6c0 out (c),c out (c),l ld bc,#f792 out (c),c ld c,#49 ld hl,ktab+9 .sclp ld b,#f6 out (c),c ld b,#f4 ind dec c bit 6,c jp nz,sclp ld bc,#f782 out (c),c ret .tkey ;Tests key A, returns Z if pressed push hl rrca rrca rrca ld h,a and #1f ld l,a ld a,h ld h,0 ld bc,ktab add hl,bc rra rra and #38 or #46 ld (gmsk+1),a .gmsk bit 0,(hl) pop hl ret .fchar ;Output the character A at DE push bc push hl ld l,a ld h,7 add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl ld c,d ld b,8 .chlp ld a,(hl) inc l ld (de),a ld a,d add 8 ld d,a djnz chlp ld d,c pop hl pop bc inc de ret .setint ; Sets the interrupt address to DE di ld hl,(#39) ld a,d or e jr z,setc9 ld (hl),#c3 inc hl ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d ret .setc9 ld (hl),#c9 ret .nops nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ret .unlock db #FF,#00,#FF,#77,#B3,#51,#A8,#D4,#62,#39,#9C,#46,#2B,#15,#8A,#CD,#EE .defvals db #3F,#28,#2E,#0E,#26,#00,#19,#1E,#00,#07,#00,#00,#30,#00 .spr db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1 db 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1 db 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 db 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1 db 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1 db 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .tests1 db 16 db 1,#00, 3,#01,0,0, 1,#02, 1,#03, 1,#04, 1,#05, 2,#06,0, 1,#07 db 1,#08, 1,#09, 1,#0a, 1,#0b, 1,#0c, 1,#0d, 2,#0e,0, 1,#0f .testdjnz db 2,#10,#fe .tests2 db 46 db 3,#11,0,0, 1,#12, 1,#13, 1,#14, 1,#15, 2,#16,0, 1,#17 db 2,#18,0, 1,#19, 1,#1a, 1,#1b, 1,#1c, 1,#1d, 2,#1e,0, 1,#1f db 2,#20,0, 3,#21,0,0, 3,#22,0,0, 1,#23, 1,#24, 1,#25, 2,#26,0 db 1,#27, 2,#28,0, 1,#29, 3,#2a,0,0, 1,#2b, 1,#2c, 1,#2d db 2,#2e,0, 1,#2f, 2,#30,0, 3,#31,0,0, 3,#32,0,0, 1,#33, 1,#34 db 1,#35, 2,#36,0, 1,#37, 2,#38,0, 1,#39, 3,#3a,0,0, 1,#3b db 1,#3c, 1,#3d, 2,#3e,0 .tests3 db 1,0 .instruction3 equ instruction + 3 .lo3 equ instruction3 and #ff .hi3 equ instruction3 / 256; .tests4 db 5 db 3,#c2,lo3,hi3, 3,#c3,lo3,hi3, 3,#c4,lo3,hi3, 1,#c5, 2,#c6,0 .tests5 db 6 db 1,#c8, 1,#c9, 3,#ca,lo3,hi3, 3,#cc,lo3,hi3, 3,#cd,lo3,hi3, 2,#ce,0 .tests6 db 3 db 1,#d0, 1,#d1, 3,#d2,lo3,hi3 .testoutn db 2,#d3,#ff .tests7 db 3 db 3,#d4,lo3,hi3, 1,#d5, 2,#d6,0 .tests8 db 3 db 1,#d8, 1,#d9, 3,#da,lo3,hi3 .testinn db 2,#db,#ff .tests9 db 2 db 3,#dc,lo3,hi3, 2,#de,0 .tests10 db 7 db 1,#e0, 1,#e1, 3,#e2,lo3,hi3, 1,#e3, 3,#e4,lo3,hi3, 1,#e5 db 2,#e6,0 .tests11 db 6 db 1,#e8, 1,#e9, 3,#ea,lo3,hi3, 1,#eb, 3,#ec,lo3,hi3, 2,#ee,0 .tests12 db 7 db 1,#f0, 1,#f1, 3,#f2,lo3,hi3, 1,#f3, 3,#f4,lo3,hi3, 1,#f5, 2,#f6,0 .tests13 db 6 db 1,#f8, 1,#f9, 3,#fa,lo3,hi3, 1,#fb, 3,#fc,lo3,hi3, 2,#fe,0 .testscb1 db 2,#cb,0 .losp equ storesp2 and #ff .hisp equ storesp2 / 256; .testsed1 db 57 db 3,#43,0,0, 1,#44, 1,#45, 1,#46, 1,#47, 1,#48, 1,#49, 1,#4a, 3,#4b,0,0 db 1,#4c, 1,#4d, 1,#4e, 1,#4f, 1,#50, 1,#51, 1,#52, 3,#53,0,0, 1,#54 db 1,#55, 1,#56, 1,#57, 1,#58, 1,#59, 1,#5a, 3,#5b,0,0, 1,#5c, 1,#5d db 1,#5e, 1,#5f, 1,#60, 1,#61, 1,#62, 3,#63,0,0, 1,#64, 1,#65, 1,#66 db 1,#67, 1,#68, 1,#69, 1,#6a, 3,#6b,0,0, 1,#6c, 1,#6d, 1,#6e, 1,#6f db 1,#70, 1,#71, 1,#72, 3,#73,0,0, 1,#74, 1,#75, 1,#76, 1,#77, 1,#78 db 1,#79, 1,#7a, 3,#7b,losp,hisp .times1 db #11,#33,#22,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#33,#22,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #43,#33,#22,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11,#33,#33,#22,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #23,#33,#55,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11,#32,#33,#55,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #23,#33,#44,#22,#33,#33,#33,#11,#32,#33,#44,#22,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#22,#11 db #24,#33,#33,#33,#35,#44,#22,#44,#42,#33,#33,#00,#53,#55,#22,#44 db #24,#33,#33,#33,#35,#44,#22,#44,#42,#11,#33,#33,#53,#00,#22,#44 db #24,#33,#33,#66,#35,#44,#22,#44,#42,#11,#33,#11,#53,#00,#22,#44 db #24,#33,#33,#11,#35,#44,#22,#44,#42,#22,#33,#11,#53,#00,#22,#44 .times2 db #44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#33,#44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#33 db #44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#33,#44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#33 db #44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#55,#44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#55 db #44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#22,#44,#44,#44,#66,#22,#44,#22,#22 db #22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22 db #22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22,#22 db #55,#44,#55,#55,#22,#22,#22,#22,#55,#44,#55,#55,#22,#22,#22,#22 db #65,#64,#65,#65,#22,#22,#22,#22,#65,#64,#65,#65 list .ktab ds 10 .store40 ds #40 .end

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