UTILITY -> Other
© GPA (1997)
Outch Noter Text Ripper 1.0


TXT (1)

NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (3.01 Ko)

; Outch Noter text ripper ; 1997 (c) Tom et Jerry du GPA ORG &CA30 write "loader.bin" nolist JP main JP jumper ; convert datas ; ------------- ; table de conversion char_5f db &5f char_5e db &5e start_text equ &0280 end_text equ &78 ; text end always in &7800 - 1 new_text equ &0040 ; zone de stockage du texte decode buf_text equ &a000 ; traitement de 40 caracteres nb_chars_line equ 40 ; largeur d'un ecran ; load datas ; ---------- file_long db &c file_load db "A:TURBOASS.ENG" aff_mes LD A,(HL) CP &D JR Z,aff_me1 PUSH HL CALL &BB5A POP HL INC HL JR aff_mes aff_me1 CALL &BB5A LD A,&A CALL &BB5A RET ; Load Outch Noter file load LD HL,mes_load CALL aff_mes LD HL,file_load LD DE,&C000 LD A,(file_long) LD B,A CALL &BC77 JR NC,load_1 EX DE,HL CALL &BC83 JR NC,load_1 CALL &BC7A JR NC,load_1 LD A,&FF RET load_1 LD HL,mes_load_failed CALL aff_mes XOR A RET ; Try to unpack Outch noter file unpack LD HL,&1C5 ; adresse de saut du prog une fois decrunche LD A,(HL) CP &20 JR NZ,unpac_1 INC HL LD A,(HL) CP &78 JR Z,unpac_2 unpac_1 LD HL,mes_unpack_failed CALL aff_mes XOR A RET unpac_2 LD (HL),&CA ; on detourne le prog DEC HL LD (HL),&33 CALL &186 ; on lance le decrunchage jumper LD A,&FF JP main_2 mes_load db &f,&3,"->",&f,&1," Loading file...",&D mes_load_failed db &f,&2,&E1,&f,&1," Loading error...",&D mes_unpack_failed db &f,&2,&E1,&f,&1," I can't unpack this file... Use the Hacker method.",&D mes_end db &f,&3,"->",&f,&1," Sorry old boy, press a key to reset.",&D main call load AND A JR Z,main_1 call unpack main_2 AND A JR Z,main_1 LD HL,&D230 ; On copie en ram la deuxieme partie du ripper pour LD DE,&9000 ; extraire le texte LD BC,&800 LDIR JP &9000 main_1 LD HL,mes_end CALL aff_mes CALL &BB18 RST &0 A,(HL) CP &20 JR NZ,unpac_1 INC HL LD A,(HL) CP &78 JR Z,unpac_2 unpac_1 LD HL,mes_unpack_failed CALL aff_mes XOR A RET unpac_2 LD (HL),&CA ; on detourne le prog DEC HL LD (HL),&33 CALL &186 ; on lance le decrunchage jumper LD A,&FF JP main_2 mes_load db &f,&3,"->",&f,&1," Loading file...",&D mes_load_failed db &f,&2,&E1,&f,&1," Loading error...",&D mes_unpack_failed db &f,&2,&E1,&f,&1," I can't unpack this file... Use the Hacker method.",&D mes_end db &f,&3,"->",&f,&1," Sorry old boy, press a key to reset.",&D main call load AND A JR Z,main_1 call unpack main_2 AND A JR

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