GAME -> Simulation
© Boxoft (1988)
Pools Planner





The ads n° 170

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 945 * 340 px) = 111.83 Ko

The ads n° 161

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 453 * 342 px) = 69.79 Ko

The ads n° 164

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 453 * 331 px) = 72.22 Ko

The ads n° 165

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 442 * 324 px) = 71.42 Ko

The ads n° 166

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 501 * 358 px) = 86.26 Ko

The ads n° 168

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 363 * 501 px) = 89.66 Ko

The ads n° 169

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 439 * 613 px) = 99.13 Ko

The ads n° 162

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 456 * 678 px) = 126.79 Ko

The ads n° 163

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 477 * 660 px) = 132.4 Ko

The ads n° 171

SOURCE : ???
(Real size : 878 * 642 px) = 125.9 Ko

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programming by Kukulcan © 2007-2025 all rights reserved.
Reproduction forbidden without any express authorization. All the game titles used belong to their respective owners.
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