GAME -> Action
© PC Amstrad International (1990)
16.50 / 20.00

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Thursday 10 November 2022

Cette page de présentation WTF tendance flippante intègre instantanément mon top 5 des écrans-titres les plus zarb-chelou de la ludothèque Amstrad CPC.


Saturday 17 May 2014

19 / 20
This game reminds me so much of the classic A***i Joust game I could pick it up straight away and be hooked in the same manner. Of course there maybe a few games on the Amstrad floating around like this though they'll just have to wait to be discovered.


Monday 02 March 2009

14 / 20
Bien foutu mais pas trop mon genre. Graphiquement mignon, belle palette.



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