UTILITY -> Floppy disc and tape tool
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DiskDeDumper 1.1 For SymBOS


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======================================= * ___ ____ _ ___ ___ * * /__ /__/ / / / /_\ / / /__ * * ___/ ___/ / / /__/ /__/ ___/ * * SYMBIOSIS MULTITASKING * * BASED OPERATING SYSTEM * ======================================= D I S K D E D U M P E R (Disc image write utility) --------------------------------------- Author: Prodatron/SymbiosiS Version: 1.1 Date: 22.01.2006 Requires: SymbOS 1.0 (CPC) Memory: 128K (or more) --------------------------------------- This tool reads DSK files (emulator disc image format originally created by Marco Vieth for supporting NEC765 FDCs) from a PC disc or from hard disc and writes them onto a real CPC disk. --------------------------------------- This archive contains the following files: ....................................... dskddump.exe Executable DiskDeDumper-CPC.DSK disk image (CPC or PCW) --------------------------------------- For additional information please visit http://www.symbos.org =======================================

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